All students are allocated most items necessary for distance education. Some items are to be purchased by parents as listed in the Booklist and Schoolroom Requirements document.

To support lessons in the various subjects, papers, texts and a USB are supplied. Additionally, Maths boxes and Science Kits are also sent. In the Prep year, a Prep Play box is sent.

Mail is sent once per week if necessary. Mailing to and from school are at no cost. Blue satchels are used to easily identify school mail to Australia Post staff. Just flip the address label inside and return any used resources or mail to school free of charge.
Items barcoded remain the property of Mount Isa School of the Air and are returnable upon request or when leaving our school. Blue satchels also remain the property of Mount Isa School of the Air and should be returned at regular intervals and at the end of enrolment.
Families that regularly travel and change address should contact the Mailroom and the Parent Liason Officer on a very regular basis to update their address and contact details.