Our aim is to support students, families and teachers through provision of material for leisure, pleasure and learning.
The Library uses OLIVER Library System which allows families to login and look at our library resources. OLIVER allows you to search the catalogue, reserve items and see what you have on loan.
To use OLIVER go to eLearn and click on MISOTA Home Tutor 2020, click on Library (on left of screen) look for Oliver V5 and then click on “Site link”. This will take you to the website.
*Your login is your student’s MIS ID and the password is: library
The Library is divided into broad areas of:
• Fiction, Junior Fiction, Easy Fiction and Senior Fiction
• Non-Fiction
• Talking Books/CD’S/DVD’S
• Teacher Reference (available for borrowing by parents or governesses to support them in their role of teaching)
The Library also supplies Support Materials such as:
• Text hire
• Basic Sports Kits
• Specialised Sports Kits
• Games and puzzles
Sports Kits are best collected at Activity Days or when you are in town and can be return when you leave MISOTA. These basic sports kits have a basic selection of equipment which can be supplemented with items from our Specialty Sports Kits.
Library Loans: The loan period for fiction and non-fiction resources is 6 weeks. Library bags should be used when borrowing or returning items to help protect from possible damage during transit. *Library bags are available to purchase from the school at $6. Please contact the office.
Queensland State School eBooks Digital Library: MISOTA has registered every students to borrow eBooks Digital Library until 31st December 2020. To login, open this link http://educationqld.lib.overdrive.com/ and, if prompted, enter your MIS Id
We also provide our families with access to Scholastic Book Clubs and Book Fairs so that you can add to your own libraries. There are 6 Book Clubs throughout the year and a Book Fair is held at Mini-Schools.
We promote events throughout the year such as Australian Children’s Book Council Book Week, The Premier’s Reading Challenge and Library themed competitions.
Please do not hesitate to phone or email us if you have any queries about the information above or come and visit the Library the next time you are in MISOTA.
Looking forward to you utilising your Library,
Library Contact:
Telephone: (07) 4744 8353
Email: mcapu4@eq.edu.au